Signed in as:
Signed in as:
This document is based on the “Reglamento de Peñas of Real Madrid CF” approved by the Club’s board and is designed to serve as a guide for the socios of the Peña Madridista Los Angeles as it relates to the code of conduct, terms, conditions, and restrictions for memberships, tickets, and events of Real Madrid CF and Peña Madridista Los Angeles, a registered California non-profit organization. The term socio means “Official Peña member.”
The Peña Madridista Los Angeles (referred to as the “Peña” hereinafter) Board of Directors has exclusive jurisdiction to review and create policy in all matters relating to, arising out of, and/or concerning the Peña even if not specifically mentioned in the foregoing. Membership in the Board of Directors (referred to as the “Board” hereinafter) is by appointment only.
Article I.
Every socio in their capacity as a Peña member is expected to follow the laws of the State of California, act honorably, and treat fellow socios, Madridistas, businesses, and the general public with courtesy and respect. Socios are held responsible for conduct that reflects on the Peña as well as the club itself, and should therefore be mindful of that fact.
The socios of the Peña will be, and should be, held to the highest standards of ethical conduct. Trust and mutual respect among socios and all Madridistas is the foundation of our Peña.
Article II.
Madridistas around the world are united by our passion for Real Madrid, and our celebrations are part of this passion. Chants, celebrations, fan banter, and any other conduct needs to be respectful of the people around the Peña, our rivals, and the businesses that host our matches. The collective safety of the Peña, its members, and those around the Peña is paramount. Please act accordingly with this goal. All misconduct by socios and non-member participants is subject to review of the Board and could result in expulsion, permanent or otherwise. Conduct by socios and non-member participants that occurs outside the Peña but is deemed by the Board to affect the Peña in some form or fashion is subject to the same level of review as conduct that occurs in or around the Peña whether it is in person, on social media, or any other conceivable venue.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of misconduct that could result in expulsion: fighting, beer throwing, bullying, racism, association with illegal activities and or violent groups, activities without RMLA’s knowledge or consent, harassment of any kind, and any acts of violence. In addition to the immediate code of conduct, actions and or activities prohibited by Real Madrid CF regulations and will not be tolerated. Engaging in misconduct of this kind will cause you to be asked to leave the event in concern and will bar entry to future Peña events. The Peña has a zero tolerance policy on this issue. Permanent expulsion of a socio or non-member participant is a power that lies with the Board and can be exercised in given situations of misconduct.
Please check the Real Madrid guide for prohibited football symbols:
Article III.
Treatment of new members is a particular point of emphasis. Socios are encouraged to welcome new Madridistas and let them know about our Peña and related activities. This helps to grow and develop our Peña but also engenders love and respect for Real Madrid. Unwelcoming behavior can be subject to review by the Board as misconduct pursuant to Article II above.
Being a socio (OPM) of the Peña Madridista Los Angeles is a privilege.
Article I. Board Members.
1. The Peña’s Board consists of the following _ socios:
-Stewart J. Wolfenson, President
-Elisa Uranga, Vice President-Treasurer
-Jesus Alfonso Peralta, Treasurer
-Leo Molina, Director of Membership
-Jeff Pogue, Director Marketing
-Dolly Romero, Director Social Media
Article II. Memberships.
Article III. Socios rights.
Article IV. Right for Tickets & Events.
The Code of Conduct and Internal Regulations are applicable to all socios upon joining the Peña and the terms are binding. There are no exceptions to this policy. These terms are subject to change by the Board in its normal course of business acting in the best interest of the Peña.
The Code of Conduct and Internal Regulations are applicable to all non-member participants at the Peña, no matter their form of participation. Non-member participants, by virtue of participating in the Peña in some form or fashion, are deemed to have given their implied consent to these terms and conditions because, as noted previously, the Board has exclusive jurisdiction to review and create policy in all matters relating to, arising out of, and/or concerning the Peña even if not specifically mentioned in the in the immediate document.
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